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Aug 21, 20247 min read
Tokyo's Soccer Pubs and Sports Bars: Where to Watch Premier League Football in Tokyo
This guide by a Tokyo local and big PL fan has a line-up of great pubs and sports bars for watching late-night matches!
Aug 13, 20243 min read
Get That Bag: Where to buy suitcases, luggage, and carry-on bags in Tokyo, Japan
In this article, I’ll suggest a few stores where you can pick up suitcases and other luggage and include a detailed list of stores too.
May 20, 20245 min read
The Secrets of Don Quijote: Japan's Everything Store and the Near-Extinction of its Beloved Mascot
Take a deeper look at well-known Japanese chain Don Quijote - the origin of its name and a 2022 viral internet trend related to its mascot.
May 7, 20243 min read
The Road to Nihon Hanako (Part 2: Getting a Golden Driver’s License in Japan)
After years of searching, I finally have it in my hands: the golden driver’s license of legend. As outlined in my last post , I have...
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